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Patrick von Känel

Name: Patrick von Känel
Date of birth: 1994
Nationality: Switzerland
Paraglider: OMEGA ULS, PI
Flies since: 2010
Achievements: X-Alps Veteran (2nd 2021)


Patrick works as a test pilot for ADVANCE. Born in the Bernese Oberland, he is a successful competition and cross-country pilot. In 2019 he competed in the X-Alps as the youngest participant and managed to reach Monaco in 8th place. In 2021 he went more than one better, achieving a sensational 2nd place result!


Do you remember your first flight? How was it?

Yes, I knew straight away: paragliding is what I want to do.

What moments make flying worthwhile?

All the sunsets that I see from the air.

Your three top flying areas?

Berner Oberland, Tessin and Wallis

What are you doing on a day that is not flyable?

Kitefoiling on the lake.

Most important paragliding successes?

When I began paragliding.

Why do you fly for ADVANCE?

It’s a privilege to be able to work and fly for ADVANCE.

What is your favourite food?


What is your favourite quote in life?

Chase the magic moments.


The end of the tunnel

Adi Geisegger, Michi Maurer and Patrick von Känel share the same passion: exploring the unknown and achieving the seemingly impossible. Their shared…

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Against Gravity

The tour to the Blüemlisalphütte (2840m) is considered an ultimate thrill for the mountain bike scene. Those who manage to master the partly…

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Bike to Fly

Because a rock face blocks the bike trail, Patrick von Känel combines two types of sport, packs his paraglider and flies over the face.

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Above the Glacier Sea

The 4273 m high Finsteraarhorn towers majestically above a unique glacier world at the heart of the Swiss Alps, far from a trace of civilisation.…

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Flüge von Patrick

Im XContest

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    Patricks Equipment